Social Responsibility

Metal Américas, conscious of its social mission, supports and collaborates with social work projects involving the homeless and people in need.

Metal Americas is involved in a social project, supported by a remarkable credit card company, for collectors´ social reintegration, on the basis of recycling.

Metal Americas also supports a project that seeks to favor the social rehabilitation of homeless people, with professional training and/or retraining in order to reintegrate them back to their families, aiming:

• Rescue homeless people, treating and socializing them;
• Work along with their families activities opportunities that lead to income generation self-sufficiency;
• Professional retraining opportunities through internal activities and partnerships that result in personal and entity incomes, in order to create other activities or ways of income;
• Implementation of professional courses along with developed activities, through volunteers and future public agencies partnerships.

adress Estrada do Atanázio, 339 - Feital - Pindomonhangaba/SP phone: (12) 3905-3405